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One piece frame self loading concrete mixers HMC350 working in MACHALA, ECUADOR

This HMC400 self-loading concrete mixer truck working in Peru. This customer was introduced by his friend. His friend is our regular customer who bought the same equipment before and is very satisfied with the mixer truck. Good products can speak for themselves. So this customer found our company and placed this order without hesitation.

Detailed information of this HMC400 self-loading mobile concrete mixer for sale:
Type: One-piece type; Drive mode: 4 wheels drive, 2 wheels steering; Engine: CUMMINS engine Capacity: 4m3 /batch, about 16m3/h; Drum rotate: 270°, can discharge the concrete from different directions

The side view of the 4m3 self-loading mobile concrete mixer

The side view of the 4m3 self-loading mobile concrete mixer

Discharged the concrete from the mixing drum

Discharged the concrete from the mixing drum

Discharged the concrete from the mixing drum

Self-loading concrete mixer truck is a device that combines the functions of a concrete transporter and a concrete batching station. It integrates concrete charging, metering, mixing, transportation and discharging. The application range is wide.

The self-loading mixer truck is easy to drive, easy to move in the working site, save the labor and time cost, improve the work efficiency.

Если вы хотите посетить этот проект на месте или связаться с нашим клиентом, чтобы проверить производительность машины, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами:
Email:[email protected] WhatsApp:+8615136236223

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One piece frame self loading concrete mixers HMC350 working in MACHALA, ECUADOR One piece frame self loading concrete mixers HMC350 working in MACHALA, ECUADOR

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